Is Globalization An Engine Of Economic Development?

The analysis is conducted using the System Generalized Moments Method by taking africa gold capital investment patrice motsepe the 5-year averages of the data for the period 1980–2017. The fourth section includes the analysis results and growth estimates on the channel variable of inequality. On the other hand, theoretical and empirical studies on the effect of income inequality on economic growth are relatively recent.

Analysing the relationship between unemployment benefits and unemployment duration

That is, growth accelerates over time even if gender equality increases only linearly. In the last sections of this paper, we show that federal budget deficits likely were reduced in recent decades through some of the channels linking inequality, taxes, and transfers. One interpretation of this is that the expected boost in national savings stemming from the redistribution of income toward higher-income households took the form of increased public savings (or smaller budget deficits) rather than increased personal savings rates.

See Bivens 2016 and Bivens 2019 for very short histories of fiscal and monetary austerity in recent economic history. Interactive tools and videos bringing clarity to the national dialogue on economic inequality. See Bivens (2017) and Ball (2014) for some empirical support for the view that prolonged demand-side weakness eventually bleeds over into serious damage to the // economy’s supply side.

Labor market power as the root cause of rising inequality

This is an // estimate of what the budget deficit would have been in a given year if the economy had experienced an actual unemployment rate that matched the estimate of the natural rate. The difference between the actual budget deficit and the cyclically adjusted deficit hence provides an estimate of how much slack resource utilization (which is in turn caused by slack aggregate demand) increased budget deficits. Since 1979, U.S. incomes have become increasingly dispersed (spread over a wider range, and thus more unequal), and the share of total income held by the top 10%, 5%, and 1% has risen rapidly (Piketty, Saez, and Zucman 2018; CBO 2021). We assess trends in income growth using data from the latest report in the Congressional Budget Office’s Distribution of Household Income series, which includes data through 2018 (CBO 2021). The CBO data set compiles comprehensive income information for all five income quintiles or “fifths,” as well as the top 10%, top 5%, and top 1% of the income distribution.

The Impact of an Unequal Distribution of Income on Economic Growth: Theoretical Considerations

Another, even more striking example, is the invention of agriculture itself—the Neolithic Revolution. The transition from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to sedentary agriculture involved a relative loss of status for women (Dyble et al. 2015; Hansen, Jensen and Skovsgaard 2015). One explanation is that property rights on land were captured by men, who had an advantage on physical strength and, consequently, on physical violence. Thus, in the long view of human history, technological change appears to have shifted from being male-biased towards being female-biased. Endogeneizing technological progress and its interaction with gender inequality is a promising avenue for future research. Zhang et al. (1999) show that, if human capital transmission from parents to children is efficient enough, the economy grows endogenously.

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Lastly, it is observed that the coefficients are significantly negative in all models where the direct effects of the inequality and the channel effect are examined. Table 15 presents the effects of political instability on growth in LLMC from columns (1) to columns (2a). The political instability negatively affects economic growth in reduced models (columns 1 and 2) for both indicators, so it can be said that the increase in instability causes a waste of resources in line with the theory. This evidence for LLMC is not surprising and supports results from many studies in the empirical literature (Aisen & Veiga, 2013; Alesina et al., 1996; Barro, 1991; Barro & Lee, 1994; Fosu, 1992).

Income Inequality and Economic Growth

  • The fact that the increase in savings encourages economic growth in these countries also reflects that the positive channel may be valid.
  • Diebolt & Perrin (2013) assume cooperative bargaining between husband and wife, but do not rely on sex-specific preferences or differences in ability.
  • In line with this labor division, the authors further assume that only the mother’s human capital is inherited by the child at birth.
  • For each group’s income, we again use data on comprehensive household income from the Congressional Budget Office (2016).

Similarly, there cannot be a clear dividing line between productive and unproductive expenditure. Those public expenditures are considered productive which are included as arguments in the private production function and thereby affect the steady-state rate of growth. Within this classification, productive public expenditures include general public services, defence, education, health, housing, transport and communication, while unproductive expenditures include social security and welfare expenditure, recreation and economic services.

Figure D showed that the U.S. economy has spent most of the post-2001 period hovering perilously close to the ZLB, so it is valid to fear that increases in inequality have dragged on growth and will continue to drag on growth. Finally, the estimation results for positive channels suggest that inequality encourages growth are far from theoretical expectations regardless of the income level of countries. It is observed that income inequality does not promote human capital investment and innovative activities. Income inequality does not increase total savings in LLMC, contrary to the classical view, while significant positive effects in UHC indicate the importance of income level.

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Therefore, income inequality does not support innovative activities contrary to expectations, but the same interpretation cannot be made for the saving rate, and the results are different from LLMC. As income inequality rises, saving rates increase (except column 6), these results support the Classical approach. The marginal propensity to save for the rich people in UHC is higher, so total savings increase as inequality increases. As seen in Table 14, while the results are robust for the innovation channel, the negative effect of fixed capital variable on income inequality does not support the Classical approach.

They were first embraced and most heavily championed by the UK and US, spreading globally later, and which provide the crucial catalysts of rising income inequality (Atkinson 2015; Brown 2017; Piketty 2020; Stiglitz 2013). In summary, although the validity of many channels is theoretically mentioned, only one or a few of the channels are tested in the empirical literature. On the other hand, as stated above, since the complexity of the relations may also depend on the development level of the countries, these conditions should be taken into consideration. Even if current technological progress is assumed to weaken gender gaps, historically, technology may have played exactly the opposite role. If technology today is more complementary to brain, in the past it could have been more complementary to brawn. An example is the plow that, relative to alternative technologies for field preparation (e.g., hoe, digging stick), requires upper body strength, on which men have a comparative advantage over women (Alesina, Giuliano and Nunn 2013; Boserup 1970).
